
Chandler, AZ

Gilbert, AZ

General Announcement
February 12, 2013
Finally time to file taxes with education and depreciation

The Internal Revenue Service announced that it would begin accepting tax forms containing depreciation on Sunday, February 10, and forms covering education credits on Thursday, February 14. These forms are Form 4562 – Depreciation and Amortization and Form 8863 – Education Credits. With the acceptance of these forms,[…]

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January 22, 2013
Your income tax rate may be higher than you think!

Your 2013 income tax marginal rate may be higher than you think. Married filers with incomes over $300,000 and singles with incomes over $250,000 will want to read on. The individual income tax rate does not jump to 39.6% until married filers reach over $450,000 of taxable income[…]

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January 14, 2013
American Taxpayer Relief Act

Why your paychecks will be smaller this year despite the American Taxpayer Relief Act: Although most Americans will not see an increase in their 2013 income taxes they still will see a decrease in their paychecks.  This is due to the two percentage point cut in the employee’s[…]

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September 19, 2012
Schneider & Stone Now Open

Chandler, AZ Schneider & Stone has officially opened for business.  The firm is prepared to serve clients with all their tax and accounting needs. The firm is located at Price & Queen Creek and can be reached at 480-779-4222. This blog will be updated frequently and will include[…]

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